
Scholarship icon: Scholarships, Grants, and Financial-Aid2025-2026 Silver High-School Senior Awards

Silver High-School Senior Awards are a Tier 1 level scholarship. High-School students need to know what is needed to be eligible for Tier 1 level scholarships, grants, and financial-aid that sponsored by National Academy of American Scholars.

Please review the general Silver High-School Senior Awards eligibility requirements below:

Scholarship Form: Scholarships, Grants, and Financial-AidNSilver High-School Senior Awards eligibility requirements

  1. Silver Scholarship applicant must be enrolled in an accredited U.S.A. public, private, charter, Magnet, parochial, or Bureau of Indian Affairs School, or Department of Defense Dependents School;
  2. Silver Scholarship applicant must be a senior in high-school;
  3. Silver Scholarship applicant must be an active member of the 2025-2026 NAAS Scholarshp Club with a verifiable and unique NAAS User ID
  4. Silver Scholarship applicant must have at least a 2.5 Semester GPA when appying.

Scholarship Form: Scholarships, Grants, and Financial-AidAward Amounts for Silver Scholarship Awards

The maximum award amount for a Tier III award sponsored by National Academy of American Scholars is $10,000. Since 1989, the Silver Scholarship Awards has historically been $10,000.00. However, this amount varies from term to term, and is dependent upon the discretion of Scholarship Committee and varies with each applicant.

Before there was Google, there was NAAS

Scholarship ClubSince September 1st, 1988, the Scholarship Committee of National Academy of American Scholars has sponsored merit-based Scholarships for high-school seniors. Since that time, a thousands of high-school students and their families have benefitted from the NAAS scholarship application process, NAAS Scholarship awards, and the renewable award features.

To read more about the NAAS History, our founders, and view vintage NAAS literature, and photos, please review our NAAS History tab in the Scholarship Club member portal.

Renewable Scholarships & Grants

All NAAS scholarships are fully renewable, subject to specified academic criteria, and NAAS EAS/N2 Rules, Terms, and Policy. Every legitimate scholarship application begins with a formal scholarship registration process. Word of mouth scholarship registration is not acceptable.

Mandatory Requirement to Register

All NAAS Awards require a formal Scholarship Club registration. The Scholarship Club supercedes and replaces all prior forms, and is mandatory for consideration of any award(s), scholarship, grant, or micro-loan.

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